This article explains how adoption and the attitudes surrounding it have changed. It explains different reasonings behind the decision to adopt, and how adoptive parents, like biological parents, love their children and want the best for them. It explains that adopted children face specific challenges that family therapy can help resolve or manage.
An article and search directory, this source discusses the decision to find a marriage and family therapist online. It also links to a directory that allows users to filter by state. Users can view profiles by years of experience, language, and specialization.
An article and a search engine combined, this resource addresses what systemic family therapy is, its purposes, how it works, and what it is. Users are able to search by what type of session they are looking for (online or in person), as well as filter by location.
This is resource promotes mental health as a critical part of overall wellness — including prevention services. The site includes statistics about what Black and African-American people face regarding mental health services (treatment issues, access, prevalence, etc.).
An article written by an adoptive mother about what every parent should know about transracial adoptions. This article is applicable to adoptees, but focuses on a Black transracial adoptee’s experiences.
A brief article about how the discussion of racism must emphasize marginalized voices. The author explains that discussing racism is never about comforting white people.
A first-person piece about how structural racism exists today. The author explains why she will no longer discusses race with people who won’t consider or acknowledge racism. She asserts that people must acknowledge that they benefit from structural racism and understand that color-blindness is not the solution.
This article describes what microaggressions are and how they’re more than everyday slights or remarks. It also explains the negative impacts they have on individuals, as well as how they contribute to racism.
A first-person piece on why mocking an Asian accent should never be considered funny. The author talks about how mocking accents contributes to racism.
This article explains the levels at which racism exists (individual, interpersonal, institutional, etc.). It also provides simple exercises for people to engage with and examine their own perspective.