Psychology Today is a media outlet that publicizes literature and resources about behavioral science and mental health. This directory in particular offers detailed listings for mental health professionals in the United States that are adoption-competent.
This LLC, established by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, offers a directory of professional (medical and mental health) resources in the Denver Metro Area. Dr. Wirta-Leiker specializes in issues of race, identity, societal expectations, family relationships, and adoption.
This forum is dedicated to supporting spouses of adoptees. It addresses attachment issues, self-blaming, and trust and commitment issues. These perspectives are not universally true and some topics may be triggering. This resource provides spouses of adoptees with community and different perspectives.
This article explains some of the overlooked parts of being adopted that adoptees want others to know about. It explains how adoption is a lifelong journey, adoptees need to claim their identity, and more. This is a great resource for people who want to better understands the adoptee identity.
This blog article shares the author’s experiences and perspective about what it’s like to be the spouse of an adoptee. He empathizes with his wife’s feelings, explains his own feelings, and explains how he supports her. This resource will benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand and support their partners.
The Adoption Reconnect Facebook page focuses on partners of adoptees. It validates their feelings, examines adoptees’ feelings, and explains how to care for their adoptee partner. This information sheet benefits spouses of adoptees who want to better understand and support their partners.
This is a brief article that explains some things that adoptees would like others to know about them. It describes how adoptees are similar to everyone else, how they are different, and encourages people to not assume things about adoption. This is a good resource for people who want to learn more about adoption and the adoptee identity.
Family Ties is a private Facebook group that offers guidance and support for people searching for birth families in China. While this is not an advocacy group, it is a platform and community for searching, guidance, and support.
Birthparent Search is a private Facebook group for Chinese adoptees and adoptive relatives. The goal of this group is to provide support and resources for finding birth parents in China.
KAS allows birth families to search for the biological children and adoptees to search for their biological family. They offer post-adoption services, including birth country visits, language training, and more. They post stories translated in Korean and to a Family Search board, offer DNA testing, and help adoptees obtain their adoption information.