This is a private Facebook group for adoptive parents of boys adopted from China. It’s a place of support and connection for adoptive and waiting parents. They also welcome members and discussions from adult adoptees.
This is a private Facebook group that was formed by and for birth parents. It’s a place to freely share thoughts and feelings about adoption and being a birth parent. It’s a group free of judgement that aims for people to create community and learn from one other.
This is an interactive map of child welfare nondiscrimination laws in the United States. Users can examine laws and equity scores by state. Policies regarding foster care, adoption, second and stepparents, and LGBTQ+ youth in child welfare are all listed. This can be used for anyone in the US considering fostering or adopting a child.
This is a $20 course for adoptive and foster parents about providing a healthy environment to discuss emotional topics with LGBTQ+ youth. The curriculum covers topics including cultural sensitivity, mental health, and LGBTQ+ community issues.
This article provides ten tips for raising LGBTQ+ foster or adopted kids. It emphasizes the importance of supporting children by using their preferred pronouns, employing gender-neutral language, and letting them know you are willing to listen and talk about anything. This is a great resource for adoptive and foster parents who want to be more inclusive.
This group meets twice a month for a lunchtime discussion for API parents and caregivers whose children are part of the LGBTQ+ community. They are based in New York City and host events, but hold virtual meetings on Zoom, too. This is a great parent resource for API parents with LGBTQ+ children.
This is a resource for parents of LGBTQ+ children about how best to support queer youth. The importance of supporting gender expression, understanding LGBTQ+ issues, and welcoming LGBTQ+ partners are emphasized in this article. It also explains that supportive behaviors are associated with reduced suicide risk among LGBTQ+ kids.
This article is a resource for parents who have LGBTQ+ children. In the article, Johns Hopkins’ pediatric and adolescent medicine specialists share their tips on how to provide support to LGBTQ+ children. It discusses encouraging dialogue, addressing bullying, and how best to show your support.
This magazine article benefits LGBTQ+ parents and parents with LGBTQ+ children. It article explains the importance of acceptance and provides a list of resources about how to best support LGBTQ+ children.
This article is a great resource for parents and guardians who want to teach their teenage children about identity. It provides detailed explanations for questions based on sexuality, gender, safety, relationships, and more. Tips and additional resources are also included.