This article answers whether adoptees have trouble with trust, intimacy, and attachment in romantic relationships. The author is the partner of an adoptee and a licensed MFT. Her advice is empathetic, supportive, and could help anybody interested in improving a relationship affected by adoption.
This forum is dedicated to supporting spouses of adoptees. It addresses attachment issues, self-blaming, and trust and commitment issues. These perspectives are not universally true and some topics may be triggering. This resource provides spouses of adoptees with community and different perspectives.
This blog article shares the author’s experiences and perspective about what it’s like to be the spouse of an adoptee. He empathizes with his wife’s feelings, explains his own feelings, and explains how he supports her. This resource will benefit spouses of adoptees who want to understand and support their partners.
The Adoption Reconnect Facebook page focuses on partners of adoptees. It validates their feelings, examines adoptees’ feelings, and explains how to care for their adoptee partner. This information sheet benefits spouses of adoptees who want to better understand and support their partners.
This blog article shares the author’s experiences with creating trust and love with her spouse. She lists ten choices that adoptees can make in their relationship to create stronger relationships. This resource will benefit adoptees who are addressing their trust and attachment issues with their partner.
This blog article shares the author’s experiences about how she overcame trust issues with her spouse. The center of the story is about how she worked through the decision to give her husband access to her medical information. This is a good resource for adoptees who are figuring out how and why to remedy trust issues with their spouse.
The KAA Facebook group is a private page for Korean adoptees to create community and discuss whatever topics they’d like.
This is a private Facebook group for adoptive parents of boys adopted from China. It’s a place of support and connection for adoptive and waiting parents. They also welcome members and discussions from adult adoptees.
This is a private Facebook group that was formed by and for birth parents. It’s a place to freely share thoughts and feelings about adoption and being a birth parent. It’s a group free of judgement that aims for people to create community and learn from one other.
This private Facebook group provides information, resources, and encouragement for adult Chinese adoptees who are seeking their birth family or are already in reunion. They also have a confidential discussion forum for questions or experiences that users want to share.