A webinar library that covers countless topics: post adoption, school based support for adoptees, Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), LGBTQ competency for adoption professionals, and financing adoption. It has on-demand webinars designed to meet the needs of today’s adoption professionals and offer supportive education to adoptive families.
A podcast episode where a birth mother speaks about her decision to give up one of her children. She mentions that it was one of the hardest times in her life.
A first-person perspective article from a birth mother on adoption, loss, and finding support after birth. She explains the loss that she felt after placing her child for adoption and how she found support by speaking with another mothers experiencing the same feelings.
A short article that identifies variations of microaggressions that are particular to adoption. It also teaches adopted children strategies to maintain their confidence and coping mechanisms for handling microaggressions.
Host Lori Holden is an adoptive mom and her children are in contact with both of their birth parents. Lori examines the various aspects of motherhood and adoption.
An article where a birth mom reflects on giving up her first daughter to adoption, then giving birth to and raising two children after.
This article explains how adoptees have felt loss and experienced trauma. Additionally, it talks about birth family searches and the shortcomings of some of the language used in adoption.
In the article, an adoptee asserts that parents must bring up the topic of adoption first and work with their children to understand their feelings. It also stresses the importance of fostering support and autonomy for adopted children.
A podcast for birth moms, by birth moms. The hosts discuss their emotions and experiences with adoption. They also feature other birth mom as guests on the show to contribute to the conversation.