This is a resource for parents of LGBTQ+ children about how best to support queer youth. The importance of supporting gender expression, understanding LGBTQ+ issues, and welcoming LGBTQ+ partners are emphasized in this article. It also explains that supportive behaviors are associated with reduced suicide risk among LGBTQ+ kids.
This article is a resource for parents who have LGBTQ+ children. In the article, Johns Hopkins’ pediatric and adolescent medicine specialists share their tips on how to provide support to LGBTQ+ children. It discusses encouraging dialogue, addressing bullying, and how best to show your support.
This magazine article benefits LGBTQ+ parents and parents with LGBTQ+ children. It article explains the importance of acceptance and provides a list of resources about how to best support LGBTQ+ children.
This article is a great resource for parents and guardians who want to teach their teenage children about identity. It provides detailed explanations for questions based on sexuality, gender, safety, relationships, and more. Tips and additional resources are also included.
This academic journal article explains how pediatric providers are ensuring comprehensive care for LGBTQ+ patients. It reviews the ways to improve health care access and eliminate disparities for LGBTQ+ youth.
This article is a great resource for parents who have LGBTQ+ teenagers. The article gives explanations of and tips for how to answer common questions. It explains how to be a supportive parent and family and provides additional resources for parenting LGBTQ+ children.
This LGBTQ+ Tip Sheet is a great resource for parents who have an LGBTQ+ child. The guide goes over tips on what to do immediately following your child coming out, correct terminology, and other reputable resources for LGBTQ+ parenting.
This guide will benefit parents who have transgender, questioning, gender expansive, gender nonconforming, or non-binary child. The guide explains gender terms, answers FAQs, explains transitioning, and provides additional resources about the gender identity.
The Real Mama Bears is a resource that serves the LGBTQ+ community. The organization supports, educates, and empowers families with LGBTQ+ members. They offer private online communities, resources, opportunities to advocate, regional Mama Bear groups, and many other support groups and programming.
Free Mom Hugs is an organization that encourages education, visibility, and conversation about the LGBTQ+ community. Their webpage offers education opportunities for everyone through speaking engagements, webinars, interactive discussions, and other programs. Users can also engage with this community by joining a state chapter.