The ASA offers a beginner’s adoption course designed for prospective adoptive families. The class discusses various aspects of adoption, including logistical challenges, managing grief and trauma, birth family relationships, and more. The ASA also offers specialized classes for transracial and intercountry adoptions.
This is an hour-long documentary revealing the filmmaker’s journey as a birthmother. It also features the stories of adoptees, birthparents, and adoptive parents. A wide variety of perspectives and topics about adoption are considered, especially the connections between birth families and adoptive families.
A documentary about children on their journeys from orphanages to homes in the United States. This explores the corruption and greed behind the adoption process. It also explores the ways that adoptions can be slowed by policies and procedures.
A documentary on the psychological aspects of growing up with and without parental love. The story follows the Diaz family, who chooses to adopt three children from Russia. It explores the family’s new relationship dynamics and how their new and old kids handle family together. It also covers their work with individualized family therapy, which helps them communicate more effectively.
An article on preparing for adoption by Ashley Yeager — a family therapist and Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) practitioner. She offers five pieces of advice for prospective adoptive parents. Her advice is particularly focused on adoption from China.
This article discusses the role that family therapy plays in adoptive families’ lives. It explains why therapy is important and encourages readers to choose a therapist that’s right for their needs.
This article explains how adoption and the attitudes surrounding it have changed. It explains different reasonings behind the decision to adopt, and how adoptive parents, like biological parents, love their children and want the best for them. It explains that adopted children face specific challenges that family therapy can help resolve or manage.
An article and search directory, this source discusses the decision to find a marriage and family therapist online. It also links to a directory that allows users to filter by state. Users can view profiles by years of experience, language, and specialization.
A search engine that allows users to search for family and marriage counselors. Users can filter by state and browse therapists’ profiles by rating, testimonial, location, options for virtual therapy, background checks, and more. Users are also able to filter by doctors, conditions, or procedures.
A search engine that locates marriage and family therapists. Users can search using zip codes or a city name for therapists in the US, Canada, and other countries.