An article about adult Korean adoptees who have been deported back to Korea. It discusses a problem with U.S. adoption: some international adoptees unknowingly never attain American citizenship.
A brief article about the need for adoptive parents to educate their children adopted from China about racism, identity, and the reality of life in America.
A podcast episode featuring a queer, transracial adoptee from Vietnam. Christopher reflects on his identity and growing up in a white family and predominantly white community.
An article by a Korean adoptee which explores the reasons and ways for South Korean adoptees to return to their birthplace. There are also many comments providing anecdotes and questions (about returning to birthplaces) from adoptive parents and adoptees.
Adoptees explain their feelings regarding the surge in anti-Asian violence and the ways in which they are affected by racism.
An article about the complex ways Asian adoptees experience culture, anti-Asian hate, and racism as a result of being adopted.
An article about a Korean-American adoptee’s thoughts on the title of “adoptee” and the racial dynamics in transracial adoptions.
The blog of an adult Chinese-American adoptee which explores her feelings and experiences regarding adoption.
The blog of Christina Romo — a Korean adoptee, mom, wife, and advocate. She details her life, thoughts on adoption, and provides the perspective of a person learning how to parent biracial children.