Meggin focuses on child and adolescent trauma in a clinical setting. She provides therapy to youth, adolescents, families, and adults utilizing a strengths-based, trauma-informed, attachment, culturally and racially sensitive, and adoption-informed lens.
Dr. Baden is a licensed psychologist in New York City. She specializes in adoption, but also works with clients struggling with racial, cultural, and identity issues.
An online community of mental health professionals making therapy easy by providing a search directory of therapists that specialize in adoption.
A registration page for the PACC (Permanency and Adoption Competency Certificate) accreditation. The PACC was developed to increase the competency of professionals serving adoptees and their families.
An article explaining what the TAC (Training and Adoption Competency) accreditation is and how it’s employed by mental health professionals.
The United Kingdom’s largest independent adoption support agency which offers adoptive parent and career support, adult adoptee support, birth parent support, and much more.
Joanna Kelly (founder of Willow Bay Therapy) is an adoption-competent therapist certified in PACC, RPT, and is a LMFT.
A licensed therapist in the states of Wisconsin, Florida and Hawaii who specializes in psychotherapy for adoptees, teenagers, adults, and families.
An organization that offers many different types of therapy for children, youth, and young adults which specializes in helping adoptive parents create healthy relationships with their children.