


Time: “The Realities of Raising a Kid of a Different Race”

“An article written by an adoptive mother on what every parent should know about transracial adoptions. This article is applicable to adoptees but centers around the Black adoptee experience growing up in a white household.”

The Seattle Times: “Adoption across races: ‘I know my parents love me, but they don’t love my people’”

“Adoptee Angela Tucker discusses how she felt like a racial impostor growing up. She explains that she may have looked Black, but didn’t feel that way.”

NCFA: “Positive Practices in Transracial Adoption Parenting”

“In the article, an adoptee suggests parents bring up the topic of adoption first and work with their children to understand their feelings.”

American Adoptions: “4 Unique Challenges Faced By Transracial Adoptees”

“An article on American Adoptions that examines 4 challenges that many adoptees will have to face (also included in race education).”

NPR: “A Mother Reflects On Privilege, Adoption And Parenting ‘Without Perfection'”

“NPR 37 minute listen as a white mom reflects on her life raising two adopted Black children and two biological white children, and how she became aware of her own white privilege. She also has a blog called Rage Against the Minivan.”

NBC News: “All-American, with one foot in China”

A short article perspective on the need for adoptive parents to educate their Chinese adopted daughters about racism, identity, and the reality of life in America.

Adoptive Families: “How to Be an Anti-Racist Adoptive Parent”

An article on how to actively challenge racism and discuss privilege, especially in the context of a multiracial family.

NCFA: “The Adoptive Parent’s Responsibility when Parenting a Child of a Different Race”

“An article by the National Council for Adoption on the different ways adoptive parents can and need to support their children. This specifically discusses the issues, privileges, and challenges of adopting a child of a different race. “

Rudd Adoption Research Program UMASS Amherst: “Promoting Adoptees’ Well-Being in Transracial Adoptive Families”

“An article with parenting suggestions designed to support and uplift transracially adopted children. It also contains a useful bibliography which features even more resources.”

NPR: “White Kid, Black Family: Transracial Adoption”

“A Black father speaks about his and his family’s experience raising a white girl and transracial adoption.”