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Lion (2016)

The extraordinary birth search family based on a true story. When a little boy from India gets lost on a train and taken thousands of miles away from home gets adopted by an Australian couple. With his unforgettable memories, his determination, and the online technology Google Earth, 25 years later Saroo sets out to find his first home.

NBC News: “All-American, with one foot in China”

A short article perspective on the need for adoptive parents to educate their Chinese adopted daughters about racism, identity, and the reality of life in America.

Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington (AAAW)

Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington is a group dedicated to providing support to Asian adult adoptees in the state of Washington.They provide a welcoming community to new and current participants, a mentorship program for youth adoptees called the Adoptee Mentorship Program (AMP), educational opportunities for Asian/Pacific Islander adoptees, awareness of issues adoptees face, and allyship to adoptees of different nationalities and communities.

Korean Adoptees of Chicago (KAtCH)

This organization is for Korean adoptees in Chicago and is a private Facebook group. They offer community activities and is for adult Korean adoptees. They help provide services that support or are led by the Korean adoptee community.