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NPR: “Want to have better conversations about racism with your parents? Here’s how”

“An NPR article from the perspective of a biracial person with a white mother and father from West Africa. It explains how to have more complex, understanding discussions about racism with your parents.”

BBC: “The pervasive problem of ‘linguistic racism'”

“An examination of the privileges native English speakers (and English speakers with a native accent) hold from a native English speaker’s perspective.”

Vice: “Why People Still Laugh at Asian Accents: An Investigation”

“An explanation of the racism involved when people mock Asian accents, and the way Asian accents are still laughed at today.”

MTV Impact: “If Microaggressions Happened to White People”

A 3 minute YouTube video highlighting the microaggressions people of color deal with everyday.

NPR: “How ‘Ching Chong’ Became The Go-To Slur For Mocking East Asians”

A short article on the history and prevalence of a racist slur used against Asian people.

NPR: “Microaggressions: Be Careful What You Say”

“An 8 minute NPR podcast that explains microagressions and how sometimes “”because people are good, moral – experience themselves as good, moral, decent individuals, they find it very difficult to accept the fact that they have been engaged in a discriminatory action, or may harbor racial biases that they have. And it violates, in some sense, their sense of being a good person.”” “

NPR: “Microaggressions are a big deal: How to talk them out and when to walk away”

“Podcast and interview with Kevin Nadal on microaggressions and how their impact is not “micro.”” Nadal also has his own website with books on microaggressions and other subjects.”

The Conversation: “Explainer: what is casual racism?”

“An explanation of everyday and more subtle forms of racism and the microaggressions that racial minorities face.”

NCFA: “Using Accurate Adoption Language”

” A short, introductory article on word replacement suggestions for words relating to adoption. Instead of words that may be considered inaccurate or inadequate, this article offers alternatives. “

Adoption Mosaic

“Adoption Mosaic’s vision is to build bridges with adoption communities for forward-thinking dialogue on adoption-related topics while offering support and education to those who are learning what it means to be a part of the adoption constellation. The Adoption Mosaic mission is to connect, honor, and serve the adoption constellation through innovation in education, practices, and support services.”