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The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World)

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA) is a source that can apply to and most benefit those who who are part of the queer community. The organization supports LGBTI civil society worldwide through “advocacy and research projects, and gives grassroots movements a voice within international organizations.” The website has information about their world’s network, events, annual report, latest news, and a list of researched resources/reports.

Asexual Outreach: Ace Week

From Asexual Outreach, Inc, this webpage can apply to and most benefit those who would like to educate themselves or others on what asexuality is. The organization raises awareness for asexuality theough expanding education tool resources, projects, and events. On the webpage you can learn about their campaigns, projects, and online community hub.’s mission can apply to and most benefit those who want to learn more about the importance of pronouns or how to use them correctly. The webpage answers common questions such as “How do I use personal pronouns?” or “ How do I use Gender Inclusive Language?” The webpage also offers additional links and videos.

Transgender Training Institute (TTI)

From the Transgender Training Institute, this article can apply to and most benefit those who want to better understand & be more affirming of Trans and NON-Binary people. This organization is made up a transgender and non-binary educators who “facilitate professional development and personal growth trainings.” It provides tailored training, webinars, and classes for individuals. Prices are ‘Pay What You Can” or sliding scale fee.

People: “Everything You Need to Know About Pride Month”

From People Magazine, this article applies to and most benefits those who do not know much about Pride and why it is celebrated. The article gives an overview of what is pride month, what it’s symbol, why it is celebrated in June, who were the major figures involved, and gives recommendations on some easy ways to celebrate.

CNN Health: “It’s Pride Month. Here’s what you need to know”

From CNN, this article can apply to and most benefit those who do not know much about Pride and why it is celebrated. The article gives an overview of who celebrates it, how it began, where the name came from, the origin of the flag, and answers the question if non-LGBTQ people can participate.


Outfest’s mission can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ community. It is known as, “The world’s largest LGBTQ+ film and media organization.” The organization holds several programs, projects, and events for artists with its film festivals as its focus.


Stonewall’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ community. The organization fights for freedom, equity, and potential. Their campaigns drive positive change in public attitudes and public policy. On the website information is provided, resources, workplace/school resources, and recent news.

It Gets Better Project

It Gets Better Project’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. It is a nonprofit organization with a mission to “uplift, empower, and connect” the LGBTQ+ youth through sharing articles, education, and events. The website is available in several; countries and can be translated in several locations.

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)’s services can apply to and most benefit the LGBTQ community. “As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.” It offers several programs in the entertainment, news, and digital media to accelerate LGBTQ community. GLAAD also offers a Resource list.